I pulled three cards again today. I didn't assign any position or question to the cards, just left it open to whatever message I might need to hear.
Queen of Coins, Five of Coins, Six of Coins - The Joie De Vivre Tarot |
There is that lovely Queen of Coins again! This is the third day in a row she has come up, and when I see her today it feels like a hug and like she's saying, "Atta girl! Keep up the good work."
And look at all those coins. I did wake up feeling worried because finances are tight right now. That deck we're building has ended up costing more than we budgeted for it, and my husband and I have an anniversary coming up with reservations to a bed and breakfast that I don't have money set aside for yet. The Five of Coins is telling me to rein in my spending to prepare for upcoming expenses, while offering encouragement that the money situation will work out.
The Six of Coins is a reminder that I have many gifts to offer, not just material gifts, but spiritual gifts and gifts of friendship and service. At the same time, I need to remember to balance giving and receiving. Earlier this Summer I had a realization that I have a difficult time receiving or even acknowledging the many gifts that I give. So, I've been working on learning to receive from others, whether it's an offer of help, a compliment, or even a smile from a passing stranger. Today I'm seeing how important this is for me.
Dr. Christiane Northrup wrote an article that explains why it's so important to learn to receive called, "Is it Better to Receive?" and this paragraph is a perfect description of what the Queen of Coins means for me right now:
"Take care of your body and your health. Every time you take your vitamins, eat organically grown food, read articles on my Web site, lift a dumbbell, or sit down to meditate, you are giving back to yourself. You are including yourself in the circle of gratitude and caring, and filling your cup so that you can drink fully. You are most helpful to others when you come from this place. This is why healing your own life is the best gift you can give another."
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