Sunday, September 2, 2012

Escaping Limiting Beliefs

Eight of Swords - Revelations Tarot
I'm resisting committing to the changes I need to make because, if I'm being honest with myself, I don't believe I can make those changes for the long term, and if I don't make the changes permanent, what's the point?  Any effort will be a waste when I go back to old habits and lose any ground I gain.

This is a limiting belief that keeps me bound to the same patterns, but as the Eight of Swords is telling me today, I'm a prisoner of my own thinking.  I am the one holding onto those binding ropes.  The swords behind me are only a perceived threat because I keep my eyes closed.  Any time I chose, I can flip this card into the reversed position. I can loosen the ties and pull off the blindfold.

Today is the day to start believing I can.  I will.

"Your belief determines your action and your action determines your results, but first you have to believe."
~Mark Victor Hansen

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