Thursday, September 6, 2012

Communing, Communion, Community, Communication

Queen of Cups - Revelations Tarot

 As I look at this card, the Queen of Cups, the first thing I notice is the cup that is being held out as if it is being offered to someone.  It reminds me of  the sacrament of communion in the Catholic faith, in which I was raised.  Looking more closely I see the reflection of the queen in the cup. 

It would be good for me to give some of myself to others today.  As an introvert who spends so much time in my inner world, it's easy for me to become self-absorbed.  I've been very focused on my goals, my feelings, and my spiritual growth, but getting stuck there isn't healthy.  Today I will offer the cup of myself by reaching out and communing with others, which, practically speaking, means getting my butt off the computer!

“One can acquire everything in solitude except character.”
~ Stendhal, Five Short Novels of Stendhal: The Duchess of Palliano, Vittoria Accoramboni, The Abbess of Castro, Vanina Vanini and The Cenci

“Allow the way to your great work to be guided by your service to others.”
~ Mollie Marti

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