Using the Galaxy Tarot app on my phone I pulled some cards asking the question, "Now that I've begun to establish some new, healthier habits, can I expect to be successful with my weight loss efforts this time around?"
Queen of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, Four of Wands Reversed |
The Queen of Pentacles represents me and the way I've been nurturing myself in the last couple of months. I've been eating healthier foods, some straight from my garden, and I've been taking time to relax in the sun because that always improves my mood. I've been trying to move a little more, and I've bought some new, better fitting clothes which makes me feel so much better about myself. Besides taking care of my physical self, I've really been working on accepting and loving myself just as I am, and I'm making progress there too.
The Ace of Pentacles represents, I believe, this new plan I have for my diet. I feel really hopeful that this can work for me. I'm looking at the path before me, and off in the distance is a gate that leads to my promised land of good health and fitness. There is, indeed, great potential for success if I follow that path.
I'm not sure how to interpret the Four of Wands reversed. Maybe I need to be aware of some things in my environment here at home that aren't supporting me in reaching my goals. Maybe it just speaks about the fact that I'm prone to becoming overwhelmed here at home with the housework, making sure everyone is cared for, planning and cooking meals for everyone. Yes, being a mom is overwhelming sometimes, and it does make focusing on my own fitness goals challenging.
So, I think overall this reading is telling me that, yes, I could very well be successful this time around, but I do need to find a way to balance my needs with those of my family in order to create a supportive environment for me to continue to nurture myself.