Justice is reminding me that the situation I'm in is a result of the choices I have made, and the choices I make now will affect me in the future. That's not to say I'm in a bad situation. Sure, I have challenges, but overall I have a good life. This isn't a card of condemnation...or praise. It's just a fact of life that the choices we make affect our lives. We are in control of a whole lot that happens to us.
Getting very specific,...today I've been lamenting the fact that I'm not sleeping well and wondering why oh why can I not sleep. Well, to be honest, there are a lot of bad habits I could change that might help me sleep better.
I believe the Page of Wands is me right now. I'm taking baby steps toward changing some of those bad habits. I'm trying to change my whole life, really. I want to be healthier and more plugged into my life, and I have begun the process of change, but the Ten of Wands is warning me that along the way I will feel burdened. I may feel that it's all too hard and be tempted to just give up.
When I think about the fact that I have to make these changes for life, or go back to the same old situation I'm working so hard to leave behind, I do become overwhelmed, but this card is telling me to hang in there. In time the healthy changes will become habits that I don't even think about anymore. Naturally.
I can accomplish what I have just set out to do. I need to remember my old mantra, "I can't fail if I don't give up."
“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by
people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”
~Dale Carnegie